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Global B2B ICT Market Estimates for 2024

Mike Raimondi

Updated: Jul 21, 2024

The global B2B market for ICT products and services encompasses all countries, industries, and business sizes. The market outlook is positive across the board. Spending priorities include cybersecurity, cloud services, Internet of Things, and AI capabilities.

The total value of the B2B ICT market in 2024 exceeds $US 3.5 trillion as shown in the table below. North America leads with just under $US 1.5 trillion, and Asia-Pacific follows with just over $US 1.0 trillion.

Global B2B ICT Market: World Region

(Billions US $)

The global B2B ICT market for the top 12 countries includes six of the G7 countries. Italy, the remaining G7 country, ranks 14th in terms of its B2B ICT market size. As shown, United States and China eclipse all other country markets. (Note: 129 countries are included in our ICT B2B Market Databooks.)

Global B2B ICT Market: Top 12 Countries

(Billions of US $)

The global B2B ICT market for the top 12 broad industries is displayed in the chart below. Finance and insurance, Information, and Public administration lead the list by a wide margin. (Note: our Standard ICT B2B Market Databook includes 24 broad industries, and our Expanded ICT B2B Market Databook includes 95 more detailed industries.)

Global B2B ICT Market: Top 12 Industries

(Billions of US $)

The B2B ICT market for business sizes is shown in the two tables below. The first table shows three broad business sizes – small, medium, and large – based on employment ranges. The second table lists 14 detailed business sizes based on employment ranges. In both tables, large businesses spend significantly more on ICT than smaller businesses.

Global B2B ICT Market: Broad Business Sizes

(Billions of US $)

Global B2B ICT Market: Detailed Business Sizes

(Billions of US $)

More details are provided in our ICT B2B Market Databooks. All countries, industries, and business sizes and all combinations of countries, industries, and business are included in each package. Total ICT spending estimates are delineated in other B2B Market Databooks including IT hardware, IT software, IT services, and communications.



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